Sunday 20 March 2011

# 3, Symbols on people

The bow tie is a symbol you would wear when you are dressed up and proper. Today the color of bow ties can vary, like this one, compared to the black ones from the beginning.
An aborigine is clearly marked with symbols all over
The same goes with this surf girl wearing tattoos.
This man is probably a fan of motorcycles since a typical clothing symbol for that is a skin jacket. This man additionally has a skin hat. He is so cool!
Lägg tThis is an Indian woman. She wears a red mark in her forehead. It symbolizes happiness and purity. This woman is on her way to an Indian wedding.ill bildtext

Monday 14 March 2011

# 2, Tangram

The assessment is for us to make different figures out of 6 shapes. We needed to create an animal, a vehicle, a tree/flower, a face, something from inside houses, a person in movement, for ex sports. Here are my solutions!

Jumping into Pool - girl with the wind in her hair
Swedish Christmas tree
Face in profile, Guy from a certain, not very well-known, Tribe
Coffee Grinder

# 1, Humpty Dumpty

We got to chose from a group of already existing symbols, to fill out the blanks in the boxes to visualize the story. Mine is about a man photographing his town from above falling down by the wind and falling apart, even though the king's employees run quickly to help him.

Wednesday 9 March 2011


Soon I will walk along Sydney's streets exploring hidden signs & symbols!