Saturday 7 May 2011

Revolutionary symbols

There is a lot of revolutionary symbols that has been re-used. What is interesting with this is that a symbol for the same thing can be slightly different in different parts of the world. With this said, we tend to combine things that we understand. We talked about some examples in class and our task is now to find some more revolutionary symbols.

Revolution means a groundbreaking change in power or organizational structures that takes place in a short period of time. They vary in terms of duration, methods, size and motivating ideology and their results include fundamental changes in culture, economy, and socio-political institutions.

Punk rock developed 1974-1976 in the US, UK, and Australia. A punk subculture started to develop, full of youthful rebellion and a variety of anti-authoritarian ideologies.

The Orange Revolution took place in the immediate aftermath of the run-off vote of the 2004 Ukrainian presidential election, claimed to be marred by corruption, voter intimidation and fraud. An orange ribbon is the symbol of the Ukrainian Orange Revolution. 

I think that Greenpeace is a kind of revolution with all that they have managed to accomplish.  

INTERNET REVOLUTI@N - I think the at-symbol could be seen as a strong symbol for the internet revolution!

 Gay revolution!

Tactics of manpulation

Our task was to use some of the tactics of manipulation we had learned in class. Preferably we should have filmed this but since it was spontaneous form the beginning I didn't. My day had been horrible and stressful and all this ended up with me started crying at Office Works when they didn't want to print at my paper. The whole thing was that some other guy working there had done it the day before. When I started crying out of frustration suddenly they just helped me!

Tactics of manipulation number one: Start to cry and people will help you

Tribe symbol

Cause Symbol

Monday 4 April 2011

I wanted to include some Swedish culture in these assignments, therefore I included some of my pics from last summer in Sweden. Also, some of my pictures are from some of my travels, since I have found a lot of interesting symbols in different countries that I would like to reflect upon. Hope I don't break the rule too much now.

# 6, Symbols that have changed their meaning

FUR! Was before a symbol of wealth while it nowadays symbolizes murder to all the animal rights activists around the world. A way for them to show their disgust is to through red paint that symbolizes blood.

Illustration from google
 The word “kärring” in Swedish. This word from the beginning used to title an old woman in a good and loving way, while this word has now changed to a word you should not pronounce loudly! Especially not when an elder is around. It would mean horribly grumpy old lady. The word "kär" means in love or beloved. 

 When the well known designer Coco Chanel designed pants for women to wear instead of skirts, it was because she wanted to give women the same position of power as men. 

This graduation hat is a symbol for the Scandinavian graduation. The foundations of it comes from a working hat, probably to be a contrast to the hats of the wealthy people. At that time a hat was crucial to wear. Today this is mostly a symbol for happiness, freedom and party! 

From the beginning Christmas gifts was for thanking servants working for you in your house, while today it is more shallow, between family members.

# 5, Feetland roadsigns

# 4, Symbols; Superstitious and beliefs

Well, I must say I believe in love.

This book is used at a hindu/bengal wedding in India. The whole book is full of words that this man spend a couple of hours to read through and out loudly. It contains all kind of blessings for the couples getting married in this wedding, to bring them luck in their future lives together.

An A-well in Sweden represents bad luck if you step on it while a K-well means love (Love=Kärlek). This V-well means that you get a lot of friends (Friends=Vänner).

The Maya is a Mesoamerican civilization, noted for the only known developed written language of the pre-Columbian Americas. They are also well known for their architecture, astronomical and mathematical systems.

A Maypole, called Midsommarstång in Swedish, is a symbol for fertility, praise of the sun and religious with the shape of the cross. It looks different in different places in Sweden.

Sunday 20 March 2011

# 3, Symbols on people

The bow tie is a symbol you would wear when you are dressed up and proper. Today the color of bow ties can vary, like this one, compared to the black ones from the beginning.
An aborigine is clearly marked with symbols all over
The same goes with this surf girl wearing tattoos.
This man is probably a fan of motorcycles since a typical clothing symbol for that is a skin jacket. This man additionally has a skin hat. He is so cool!
Lägg tThis is an Indian woman. She wears a red mark in her forehead. It symbolizes happiness and purity. This woman is on her way to an Indian wedding.ill bildtext

Monday 14 March 2011

# 2, Tangram

The assessment is for us to make different figures out of 6 shapes. We needed to create an animal, a vehicle, a tree/flower, a face, something from inside houses, a person in movement, for ex sports. Here are my solutions!

Jumping into Pool - girl with the wind in her hair
Swedish Christmas tree
Face in profile, Guy from a certain, not very well-known, Tribe
Coffee Grinder

# 1, Humpty Dumpty

We got to chose from a group of already existing symbols, to fill out the blanks in the boxes to visualize the story. Mine is about a man photographing his town from above falling down by the wind and falling apart, even though the king's employees run quickly to help him.

Wednesday 9 March 2011


Soon I will walk along Sydney's streets exploring hidden signs & symbols!