Monday 4 April 2011

# 4, Symbols; Superstitious and beliefs

Well, I must say I believe in love.

This book is used at a hindu/bengal wedding in India. The whole book is full of words that this man spend a couple of hours to read through and out loudly. It contains all kind of blessings for the couples getting married in this wedding, to bring them luck in their future lives together.

An A-well in Sweden represents bad luck if you step on it while a K-well means love (Love=Kärlek). This V-well means that you get a lot of friends (Friends=Vänner).

The Maya is a Mesoamerican civilization, noted for the only known developed written language of the pre-Columbian Americas. They are also well known for their architecture, astronomical and mathematical systems.

A Maypole, called Midsommarstång in Swedish, is a symbol for fertility, praise of the sun and religious with the shape of the cross. It looks different in different places in Sweden.

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